The Definition of the Strorm Family

“The Norm is the Image of God.” (Wyndham 27)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Hunt of a Lifetime

We are now getting very close to catching these mutants.  They know that we are coming for them, so we have to be careful and watch out for them.  I am very nervous and scared because I don't know how many of them escaped and are on the move.  The government is also scared.  They have successfully captured two members, and they have been torturing them in order for information and answers.   Their names are Sally and Katherine.  The only way that we can stop these blasphemies and capture them, is if we stay quiet, focused and alert.  I don't know who I can trust anymore.  These Deviations could be sending messages to each other as I write.  As long as I believe in God, He will lead me into finding the mutants and put them where they belong.  He will help me through all of this.  The search party and I are planning to kill them if we have to.  If that is what we have to do in order to keep our society safe and Blasphemy free, we will do so.  We are close to entering Fringes territory, where there lives someone that I despise very much.  I haven't told my son about him yet, but my brother lives in the Fringes.  He is a Blasphemy and was kicked out of Waknuk when we were younger.  His Deviation is that his limbs are longer than anyone has ever seen.  I hope that we catch these servants of the Devil so that I would be able to keep our society free of Deviations.

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